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Welcome to project kickoff on April 14–15, 2021

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

The project FOREST21 will officially be launched in a virtual kick-off. The first day of the two-day ceremony includes keynote speeches from substance experts in forestry as well as greetings high-level members of universities, ministries, and forestry organisations. The second day of the kick-off focuses on practical project implementation.

All are welcome to join any sessions or keynote speeches. Please sign up for the Zoom event here.

Note that the programme is in South African time (UTC +2).

Trees and flowers in a South African forest


Day 1, 10:00-15:30 (South Africa, UTC +2)

Ceremonial Launch of the event

Chair: Mr Albi Modise, Head of Communications, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), South Africa

9.30 Registration, Partner videos

10.10 National anthems

10.30 High-level dialogue on capacity building for Higher Education, International Cooperation, Climate-smart Sustainable Forestry, and Entrepreneurship

Hon. Mme Tarja Filatov, Deputy Speaker of the Finnish Parliament, Chair of Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) Board

Hon. Buti Manamela, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, South Africa

H.E. Mme Anne Lammila, Finnish Ambassador to South Africa

Dr Mme Jaana Husu-Kallio, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland

Hon. Makhotso M. Sotyu, Deputy Minister, DFFE

Dr Eija Laitinen, FOREST21 Coordinator, Principal Research Scientist, HAMK

Lunch break

13.00–13.50 Messages of support from core partners

Chair: Ms Morongoa Leseke, Acting DGG, DFFE

H.E Dr Riina Kionka, Ambassador and Head of EU Delegation to South Africa

Dr Heidi Ahokallio-Leppälä, Vice Rector, HAMK

Dr Ossi Naukkarinen, Vice President, Research and Sustainability, Aalto University

Dr Mulugheta Araia, Acting Principal of Middledrift Campus, Fort Cox Agriculture and Forestry Training Institute

Dr Maria Hörnell Willebrand, Dean of Faculty of Applied ecology, Agricultural sciences and Biotechnology, Inland Norway University of Appleid Sciences (INN)

Dr Kaluke Mawila, Principal of the George Campus, Nelson Mandela University

Prof Danie Brink, Dean of the Faculty of Agrisciences, Stellenbosch University

Dr Vathi Papu-Zamxaka, Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research, Innovation

and Engagement, Tschwane University of Technology

Dr Ndanduleni Bernard Nthambeleni, Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of Venda

13.55–15.25 Messages of support from associate partners

Chair: Ms Morongoa Leseke, Acting DGG, DFFE

Mr Michael Peter, Executive Director, Forestry South Africa (FSA)

Ms Reetta Pilhjerta, Manager of Education and Skills, Finnish Forest Industries Federation

Mr Ola Rostad, CEO, Norwegian Wood Cluster

Dr Thandi Lewin, Acting DGG of University Education, Department of Higher Education, Science & Innovation, South Africa

Prof K Naidoo, Executive Manager, Council for Higher Education

Mr Japie Nel, Senior Manager of Qualifications and Professional Bodies, South African Qualification Authority

14.30 Innovative entrepreneurship education

Prof Patrick Shulist, Assistant Professor, Aalto University

14.45 Climate-smart forestry

Mr Romi Ranken, Senior Lecturer, HAMK

Dr Endre Hofstad Hansen, Associate Professor, INN

15.00 Student-centred pedagogics

Ms Ulla-Maija Knuutti, Senior Lecturer, HAMK

Ms Arna Björg Árnadóttir, Senior Advisor, INN

15.15 Students Team presentation

Mr Magnar Ole Hesjadalen, Assistant Professor, INN

Southern Africa Chapter representatives, International Forestry Students Association (IFSA)

15.30 Closing remarks Ms Morongoa Leseke, Acting DGG, DFFE

Day 2, 9:30-15:00 (South Africa, UTC +2)

9.00 Registration, Partner videos

9.30 Feedback of Day 1 Ms Iida Holck, Project Specialist, HAMK

10.00 Project logic for industry partnerships Ms Teija Lehtonen, Senior Advisor, HAMK

10.30 The South African Forestry Landscape Mr Norman Dlamini, Director of Business Development, FSA

11.00 Student challenges: A case example Ms Riina Subra, Director of Aalto Global Impact

Lunch break

13.00–14.15 Parallel workshop sessions

Dissemination Ms Varpu Somersalo, HAMK & Mr Azwindini Ramphinwa, Fort Cox

Quality Management Ms Teija Lehtonen, HAMK & Dr Vladimir Naumov, INN

Financial Management Ms Iida-Maija Kalmanlehto, HAMK & Alecia Erasmus, Stellenbosch University

14.15–14.30 Closing remarks Mr Tebogo Mathiane, Director of Small-scale Forestry, DFFE


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