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FOREST21 unveils its new logo

The FOREST21 team is excited to unveil its new logo, a combination of student designs and professional development that will act as the visual figure head for this exciting international project.

FOREST21 logo
The final logo of FOREST21

“We are very proud of the new FOREST21 logo that was designed by Alex Rupp, a student at Tshwane University of Technology. It embodies the essence of this international project,” says Varpu Somersalo, FOREST21 Communication Officer, based at Häme University of Applied Sciences.

Indeed, there were several great entries that made the Judges’ job very tough, as Varpu explains:

Logo design by Ntwampe Kgalema Boldwin

“We were impressed by the quality of the entries and want to extend thanks to every student who entered. We would like to congratulate our two runners up Hugo Zandberg from the University of Stellenbosch and Ntwampe Kgalema Boldwin from the University of Venda for their striking designs.”

The winning design was then further developed by a professional graphic designer to ensure it was fully representative of the project.

Logo design by Hugo Zandberg

“Many of the designs submitted contained the European Union colours or stars. As only one of our European universities was part of the EU we felt that this needed removing. We also wanted to emphasize the South African flag in the design as that is where the focus of this project lies”, Varpu continues.

While the logo took a little longer than the team had hoped to develop, the final product is one everybody agrees upon and is excited by.

“We are so happy to taste the early fruits of this collaboration. Our forestry students have made us proud”, says Dr Eija Laitinen, FOREST21 Project Manager and Principal Research Scientist at HAMK.

“It is great to have a logo that can represent our project on an international stage. A logo that students, academic and industry partners will be able to instantly recognise and be proud to be associated with,” Varpu concludes.


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In cooperation with

Logo of Forestry South Africa

©2021 by FOREST21

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